01 December 2010

Long Time

Tis been a long time! How have you all been?! Good? Not so? Well I am just bouncin' off the walls! Hah! A lot has been goin on with likes KAI and the now forming production family. I actually like to maintain a worldview of everyone I touch or been having the blessed to be touch by, are apart of the family, to some extent. Now some have naturally been real friends or at least friendly enough to warrant the same kind of manners and respect. "Treat those how you would want to be treated" etc. Others (of course) would not be so deserving of that kind of respect. However, lately I feel more like trying to rise above it all. I have been doing some kind of soul searching if u will and am trying to squash petty(or not so petty) things of the past. I try to (don't laugh) think what would Jesus do? But it kind of works. In fact I dare you ALL to try that next time. When you feel like you are in a situation in which you feel so low and want to punch someone or something, take a deeep breath and exhale slowly and think what would "He" do? Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you will instantly do a 360 right there and then, but at least it helps put things a little bit in perspective. Heck, if not "Jesus" then try Budah or some figure in the world you may look up to, anybody really.

Wow! I really got into that one. Well on to the UPdates!
I have been fairly fortunate to be a part of the groups and thusly mailing lists that have given me a leg up on the happenings that are involved in the film world of Philly. I love this city. Many great events have been going down like film screenings by MindTV, which involve series of short ducumentaries of many different point of views of this city. Many stories are told and expressed and many lessons are to be learned.
Last month I was lucky to get a pass to the Philly Premiere of "Night Catches Us" by local native Tanya Hamilton. Afterward she and lead actress Kerry Washington were on center stage for discussion. Priceless. Also I had the fortune of meeting some of the other cast members, doing a solid job in their own right. It was a really powerful film, if at times a bit less than stellar, about how history won't escape a circle of folks in Germantown who have ties with the Black Panther Party. Good Cinematography and performances overshadow a story with some holes in it. Still a solid outing!

Lets fastforward and bring things in perspective for KAI Productions. Working in the Census was very beneficial for a couple reasons, one being that I was able to network and connect with some like minded folks or otherwise folks whom could be of my services. One person in particular has been in meetings with myself and bouncing around ideas. Im really looking forward to our Friday brainstorming/formatting session. This, I believe, will be key in which we will finally set up what's needed to get going and rolling. Once this bus gets rolling watch out! There will be links/uploads to video projects to come, so stay tuned!

Good Night and Good Luck to y'all!

Weather: Was a lil warm but huge wind gusts of 40-50 MPH. Currently now 39.

27 June 2010


Happy Father's day! In this, my part II of a tribute to parents (first Mother's Day), it's now time to shift the attention to the patriarcs, the MEN of our respective clans.
The day may come once, but the people they celebrate should be remembered and appreciated every day. Often, it seems people focus a whole lot more on "my moma" than "my papa"; for a lot of different reasons. Living the life as a single parent aint easy for so many MAMA's out there. But wait a sec! What about the single PAPA's?!?! They are out there too, no?! And then there was something bought up on a friends facebook account about they were sick of hearing "mothers being described as fathers", because in the end they can't provide all the things a father can provide. I agree with this sentiment greatly! So in concluding, I just want to give a HUUUGE hollar and shout out to all the good dads holding it down and just taking care of their children, whether its in the framework of a traditional nuclear family or the other route of "taking turns" and being there for their offspring when it counts.

Hope all of y'all had a great Father's Day!

Good Luck and Good Night!

Current Weather: SOO hot n humid! 86 degrees*

30 May 2010

Memorial Weekend Update

Hey y'all! Whats good in the hood?! Let me get ya up to date with stuff goin' on in MY neck of the woods.

First off: EMERGENCY
Folks very dear and close to me have had the misfortune to be attacked by a known, yet seemingly underestimated enemy to may of us. Termites. They are horrible creatures and everyone out there reading this should get Terminex or some one else to give a free house inspection. Thats right, it FREE. Because the damage done can happen without you even knowing before its too late. Right now, the folks I have mentioned are forced to live on w/o a Kitchen for over a week, while the redoing process is going on. There is no reason why no one should not get a free inspection. That is all.

Next: Screenplays.
Do the names Syd Field or Blake Snyder sound familiar to you? Well, interesting story about how I am getting into them and their work. It's funny when you talk to people, and they happen to have SOME relation to you or your passion, no matter how minute or (on the other end of the spectrum) grandiose it is! The story goes like this: One of the jobs I hold involves occasionally working around people in their dwellings. So, I just happen to mention briefly 'bout my interest in writing for the screen (AKA screenwriting). They instantly had an interesting story to tell. You see there's a couple that were both, you could say, bitten by the creative bug. One was an actress, the other an aspiring screenwriter. Unfortunately for them they didn't go very far in their respective "passions". However this doesn't mean someone else can't benefit from past knowledge learned, only to be bestowed upon themselves?? Right??? So by the end of it all he's telling me about 2 books he has read by the "well respected" Syd Field and Blake Snyder, but he has no use for the literature anymore since he he is sticking to his first love: "massaging." Fast forward months later. I'm now totally getting into the books. They both have different takes on writing screenplays, yet are perfect for beginners like myself; clear, concise and engaging (so far!) You see, I've been into writing for couple years now. Actually since I graduated college, I've been jotting down little ideas that randomly come to my head for ideas for movies. But I never really developed them. In fact for a while I didn't like the idea of writing at all! I thought maybe just directing, or assisting to the direction with just treatments here or there so that someone ELSE could actually formulate them into full-fledged works. However over the next few years that would past, i liked the idea of comming up with good dialouge, and painting visual vistas for the screen on paper. Something inspiring maybe, but different. Something that may not be entirely original yet unique because it has MY point of view, and quirks and that little something that hasn't been quite worded the way I have worded it. So there you have it. Me the Screenplaya! haha

Good night and good luck to you all!
Current weather: 77 degrees at 10:00pm

09 May 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

I just hope to make this quick n easy and to the point as possible. I wish all to have a Happy mothers day. Even though the day is almost over, lets not stop remembering all that which they mean to us. After all without mothers, there is no "US" to go on to be mothers and fathers in this beautiful cycle of LIFE. So everyone who's reading this, please take a moment and reflect on them; reflect on a wonderful little moment you have shared with your mother lately. Even if you feel yours is controlling or nagging or you recently got into a fight and don't feel like talking or thinking about her. There is ALWAYS 1 decent moment you should be able to think of. I think of many. I am so glad to have her living in my life, I realize all those whom have there mothers around in their lives PERIOD have to realize how blessed they are.

I may not know the Bible passages word for word (or even close) but I do know there are real important lessons in their and one I'm sure states the importantce of strength through family, which starts with our mothers and fathers.
Yes, I said fathers as well. And Don't worry you Dads out there, when Fathers Day comes, you're next!

Good night and good luck!

Current Weather: 49 tonight!

05 May 2010

# 5

Ok. Lets start this one off by me simply saying I am going to try my best to update this blog EXPERIENCE more often so I don't have to put together any more of these crazy super duper sized double-triple-quad-blob-blogs. Try saying that 3 times fast! HAH! Anyways...on to the events!

Working for the Census, I must say, is an interesting experience. With not even a standard business week(4 days!) of training we are shipped off and out into the wonderous world to work and get the responses we seek. I've been down this road before. Stints with Environmental Action and Moveon.org kind of seasoned me for the interactions that would happen. The funniest thing about it is I don't have to worry about traveling much, case its all really local and in my own neighborhood. Thats mostly all the info I can divulge about it...well that and I can pretty much work my own hours, which isn't that great because I have to sometimes force myself outside and on the streets to work or else i'll end up gettin' less hours cause who wants to be out there when its dark?!?! Especially due to the fact I already have a job in the morning, I simply MUST get out really soon to catch up. At least the weather is nothing short of glorious out there. Praise the sun and very little clouds, but I love clouds and their various formations that are out there. Peeps hardly ever tend to notice these things. So yes, I know it would be cliche` to mention that folks "these days" take the beauty in this world for granted, but its the TRUTH! With that being said, its refreshing to hear/see someone type about/taking pictures of the environment around us. That is all for tonight

Good Night and Good Luck!

Current Weather: 71 degrees and Clear.

20 April 2010

Updates Updates UP DATES!

Whats happenin' people?!?! I knooooww its been awhile. KAI has been pretty busy as of late, but it's really no excuse as I should be updating fellow followers of my "blow you away with words" blog I have here. lmbo! Actually, when Im here writing these blogs, memoirs if u will of my experiences, I wish to create just that, an EXPERIENCE! I wish have each and every reader out there to be fully enveloped in the day-to-day,week-to-week, etc. occurences that happen in this world told through KAI's eyes. So with that, on to the UPdates.

#1: Creating a website through Go-Daddy can be horrorific if you don't have much experience in the medium. On the main sign up pages they have it set up in a way feels like they will hold your hand and give you easy to use tools and guides for those tools so you even the most wet-behind-the-ears novice would feel lie an accomplished vet in just a matter of days...Well...the worst part of this transaction is just GETTING there. I mean transfering my already established domain name from one registrar to another. Meanwhile I have to learn a whole host of new terms. Many I couldn't tell you what they mean now if a taser was aimed at my crotch, but i digress, its patience testing stuff. So after about a week or 2 going through many many greuling(mentally speaking) tasks, I got the name transferred. Now for the last past few weeks it's been all about how to actually get stuff on my page. Thats a task and half...

#2: Taxes..ughhhh I HATE them, but I got em done with 2 days to spare...hell i OWE this year! WTF?!?! How could I OWE?!?! i don't understand it...I make slightly less than I did the previous year and i owe taxes..under the 50 dollar mark, but still...Whats goin on Obama? Government?!?! Sheesh... So much for breaks for the un-wealthy...i feel like the tax program I am using is messin me up....oh well...whats done is done... On the fliside of thangs I am finally getting to work for the local govt, via the Census Bureau. 'Bout time they got to back me! I took the test and got 97% correct! And it took them a year and couple months to get back to me. Well thats all the complaining I'm doin'. At least they are giving me a job and good pay..REALLY good pay. Training begins next week...letssseee see how that goes...

#3 KAI productions is rolling at a semi-fine clip. Was at another cool networking party last month. It was actualy a screening at a nice quaint lil place called Arts Garage. 2 Floors of fun. They were still developing the place..from what I saw theres lots of promise to be seen. The folks who invited me hope to take good advantage of the property for possible future production works. Was E-vited to the event. It's cool when you meet folk and so they evite you to their happening ventures, thusly you meet other folk..THATS networking! Expanded the old facebook contacts by a few names after that night. This time there was food though! Not only that it was free and so so tantalizing. Everything from delectable fried poppcorn shrimp, very lightly steamed baby spinnach in some kind of buttersauce, very tasty macaroni salad, and other dynamic fare. It was a success on many levels and I hope St. Louis Productions gets rolling in the direction they wish....luck to them..I'll be in touch...

Good Day and Good Luck!

Current Weather: 70 degrees and sunny. Spring time is here.

01 March 2010

Double Feature Blog

This today my friends is a double blog. I have to catch you all up on the past events. 2 Saturdays back I saw a play and last week I saw a movie. Not just any movie, but THEE EVENT movie of the decade or beyond. I will get into that later. 1st letz begin with the beginning: A Soldiers Story.
1. Got off work
2. I got 2 HOURS TO KILL! But I'm kinda sorta hungry. Not really hungry, just a little. The situation is: I'm in the middle of Chestnut Hill and need to find some casual place just to chill and eat something...that AINT XPENSIVE! hah! Would I find such a place? Not really, but what I did find was the Chestnut Hill Grill in the Hotel. You enter on the side. At this point I had to relieve myself like NO other! Finally, after "business" is done, now off to see what their menu is about. I step up to the bar and get greeted almost immediately by a nice bartendress. She gave me a menu and a quick rundown. I question about a grilled chicken salad w/ black bean and corn dressing. She shoots an immediate positive response expressing how popular it is. So I go for it. Meanwhile, I'm sipping on some good ole reliable Gin N Tonic. I delight at their asking me what I prefer, so I tell em what I always go for, Tanqueray!
So The salad comes out and its oh so damn scrumptious! Its alot for 9 bucks I love it! I had just enough time to eat n leave before the play started....

3. The Experience! When I get closer n closer to the entrance, I already feel the big crowd, the warmth from all the bodies, the energy, its in the air. Then I approach...I'm inside and still could not be prepared for the huge crowds all over the place: in line, in the aisles talkin to friends or fam, those racing to find a good seat. I wasn't quite prepared for this...but then I WAS! Because I bought a ticket early on, so all I need to do now is find a seat right? Wait a minute, I see some folks I recognize, so I chat em up and then we all move to some premium 1st and 2nd row seating. HAH! Its ok, 'cept for the fact that we get forewarned in the beginning that there will be not 1, 2 or even 3, but 4, yes FOUR gun shots on stage!

In the end, the shots were a bit of a jolt but nothing life threatening. Everybody around me survived(there were friendly "older folk" there). The play though, was outstanding! I was told by a fellow theater goer that the performances were like the ones he's seen on Broadway. I BELIEVED it! Wow. The lighting was just right as well, so as to better accentuate the flashbacks best. Good timeless themes as well.

Now. PART II Avatar:

Okay. This adventure would go down approximately a few dayz later...Tues. Got a call from pops askin if I had followed up on my word to look up some timez for the movie. I hadn't by that time, so told him I would right quick! We agreed to a time which would make for lil time to waste but also wouldn't keep us out past bedtime (HAH!). Unfortunately by the time we got down there and in line, we missed the very beginning (8 minutes?)...
Entering the theater was kinda funny/weird. I usually feel so damn self conscious when I'm late for something. This time I STILL felt that but I noticed how everybody was so into the movie wit their glasses on, they don't really care to notice anything or anybody else outside the experience. So the glasses come on. Instantly I see a change. I start to kinda take em off, then back on...off again..alright they stayin' ON now! haha It takes a few minutes for it to sink in, but the visual beauty of it al never gets tired. The creativity of the environments were so awesome and lush. Some folks say this was like a 3D video game. I say this is what not only video games, but films will ASPIRE to be! Its no wonder that we have films that previously were not shot in the 3D format, yet the producers are runnin' around trying to get their film TRANSFERRED over. So funny. I mean, yes Avatar is the biggest grossing movie of all time or something like that. But who knew it would almost singlehandedly revive 3D?! It's crazy really. Though prior to this there were few films in 3d earlier that year that arguably may have made less if not for that novelty.

Then theres the story aspect. To be honest I don't even wanna go INTO the story. I mean, geez. It was so...whats the word? Pedestrian? Middling? Corny? Simplistic? The characters, aside form the main 2, were so simply drawn. The people of Pandora were from another PLANET! Yet why do they have to be sooo...HUMAN?! I mean, they aren't yet they are. If that doesn't make any sense, maybe this will: try putting together the indigenous native Americans, Mayans, Aztecs and so forth in a pot and make them 10 feet tall and color them blue. Then make them able to physically, as well as spiritually, connect themselves to their environment and animals. That was the only thing close to being alien that was about them. Actually I would have liked this movie better if the conflict lied within the framework of the planet itself. Not having to do with the humans so much...except for the fact that the humans were indeed exploring their land within avatars and the main would be "hero" gets captured like in the movie. The conflict could be something that is wrong with the ecosystem and thus has caused a lot of tension and strife between the different peoples. Maybe towards the climax it is revealed the hero must make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save alot of the people of Pandora.

That's the movie and that's my take. How it was I give it *** out of ****. But if it were simply in 2D, it be **.

Good night and good luck.

Weather today was nice up to 53 I believe. Right now its 48.

19 February 2010

A Networking Night - The Journey

Hey all! Whats hapening you may ask? Well...it all started with a BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! I look at over to the right of me to see where it's commin' from. And its my cell, on vibrate! AHH! Of all times for it to be on vibrate! Well luckily it was within earshot. Otherwise it'd be going off in another room and I wouldnt even know it! It was going off to tell me I had a networking event to go to in just over an hour! I KNEW had to go to this today. However, being me, I just cast it off t the side and got involved with creating this blog account, which can be really involving. Then what else happens? None other than my mom calls, but I tell her I gotta go, so saying goodbye takes like 5 minutes, when in reality I have -2.

This point = T-minus-59 minutes.

I'm running around trying to get my stuff together when I realize I dont even know where hell Im going. I quickly shuffle through my email. Oh but which email is it? Ahh yes, that one. 1st guess was right. I am da man! hah! So now I find out where it is but how the hell do I get down there?! Quick! Go to the SEPTA (the public transportation) website. In a atter of 3 minutes I bring it up. Ok its simple 1 2 3 directions. In fact 3 modes of transit are required (according to them). Im out the door. But Im not making the bus that is on my itinerary (impossible to to transport to myself out the door and 1 block down in 2 minutes). I figure its rush hour and thusly I 'll be covered. Its worked out before. But not this time. I wait and wait and wait til Im almost ready to just walk back home dejected and angry at the world, when one finally comes. (gasp)

So about 2 buses, and one subway in between, later I arrive. I couldnt believe i made it only a half hour late and things seemed to be picking up speed. Everybody was warmed up with 1 beer in and feeling loose. So I go in and make magic happen. Mingling with alot of technically competent folk in the audio/music department was an interesting experience. They actually came close to outnumbering ones like myself; directors/writers/cinematographer types. A plus for me. It makes me feel like I have it set in the indie of the indie world. Overall the experience was quite good, made me feel very optimistic. Now its its just about putting thoughts onto paper, making a plan of action and contacting these people!

Good night and good luck!

Curent Weather: 36 degrees and clear.

18 February 2010

The First Blog!

Well. Ya gotta start somewhere right?! Exactly! This being my first blog, I am basially going to jut give you all a quick preveiw of the upcomming things you shall find on this blog. This is the first time I have signed up on a "real" blog. I DO have twitter ) I Yea, I've tried the facebook thing and the myspace thing, but this makes things a little more easier and free to make a website your own.

That being said, on to the "purpose." This blog is just the beginning. This is thee launching pad from where you will hear the on-going fabrications and interesting happenings of KAI. We are many things; big and bright, vibrant and galzanizing. We're a creative yet serviceable entity. These you shall learn over the comming days, weeks, months etc. From here I will branch out to another blog. So watch out. I will give out a link really soon.

Good day/night and good luck to you all.

Current Weather : 42 degrees and mostly sunny.